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Our base camp is Lincombe Barn, Downend, BS16 2RW.
This is where you will drop off and collect from.
We regularly use 3 other nearby sites: Lincombe Barn Woods and Meadows, Britannia Woods and Lincombe Barn Play Park.


There is a large car park at Lincombe Barn and we think there is ample parking onsite for dropping off and collecting children. However, if parking is problematic (as there are groups running in other parts of the building), there is plenty of parking on Overndale Road.

For those arriving with bike seats or trailers, bringing a buggy or wanting to leave a car seat we do have somewhere to store these items. Please speak with the manager.


Our kindergarten day runs from 8:00-15:30. Children can arrive anytime between 8:00 – 9:00 (with the exception of the settling in period). This allows for a flexible drop off when children can settle in, connect with their key person and play with friends. Please try and make sure you are with us by 9:00 at the latest.

Pick up time is any time between 15:00 and 15:20. If you would like to talk to your child’s key worker please allow yourself time between 15:00 and 15:20 and keep in mind that we close at the very latest at 15:30.

Arrivals/Drop Off

On arrival, a member of the team will welcome you at our ‘main’/side gate and sign your child in for the day on our famly app. We encourage all parents to drop their child off at the gate.

For their own safety, we encourage all parents/guardians to walk with their children to the main entrance. Do not let them run ahead and please wait with them whilst they are signed in.

Please see our 'Settling in Sessions' underneath and our settling in policy.

Once on site, children are further greeted by their key person. They will place their belongings on their allocated peg. We may also use small storage boxes for extra items.

Departure/pick up

Parents will collect their child from the side gate at the end of the day. Parents have the opportunity to come on site and speak with their child's key person at the end of the day.

You can collect your child from 15:00 onwards but we kindly ask that it’s no later than 15:20. This allows time to gather children’s belongings and speak with the key person. If you need to collect your child earlier than this, please try and let us know in advance.

When you collect your child, we will sign them out on the Famly App. We will only allow children to leave with someone who is named on Famly as a contact. If you would like someone else to collect your child you will need to add them as a contact on your child's profile page and give them a password which you can write on the 'extra info' part of the contact page.

After Kindie Club

We provide longer hours on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (and as of September 2024) Thursdays in the form of an after kindie club. We provide a light tea at a cost of £1.50 (this fee is removed if self funding the session).

The session runs from 15:30 –17:30 at a cost of £16.00 per session and must be pre-booked. You can use the government-funded hours to cover the cost. If you wish to book on to the after kindie club, please email

Please note spaces are limited to 10 children a day between April and July and 18 from September 25 onwards.

You can collect your child at any time during ‘after kindie’ but we kindly ask that it’s no later than 17.20. This allows time to gather children’s belongings and speak with the key person.

You can read more details about after kindie further on in the handbook.

Settling In Sessions

We require that the children do the following settling in sessions:
Week 1: 9:00 – 12:00 noon (no packed lunch required)

Week 2: 9:00 – 14:00 (packed lunch required)

Week 3 as normal: 8:00 – 15:20 with after Kindie available from week 3 15:30 - 17:30

During the initial settling in period, parents are welcome to come on site to help settle their child for the first 15 minutes of the day between 9.00 and 9.15.

After this initial settling in period, we encourage all parents and carers to say goodbye at the gate. This forms part of our settling in our policy. In our experience and that of our parents, this approach works really well for the majority of children. We have noticed that children are quicker to settle as a result. This may be to do with the fact that it puts the child in control as they are the one leaving the parent as opposed to the parent leaving them. Upon saying goodbye, the person at the gate will take your child to their key person who will be making those all important bonds.

It may be that your child is upset at drop off but their key person will have ideas for how to alleviate any sadness. We suggest bringing in a settling-in pack to the all about me meeting which can then be used in the first few weeks. This pack can contain a familiar toy, a favourite book and a few family photos. The good news is that usually, within 10 minutes or so of parents have said goodbye, we are texting parents and sharing photos of their child smiling and having fun. However, if a child is particularly distressed and inconsolable we will always phone the main carer/main contact so that they can either come and be with the child or collect them to take home. This happens very rarely.

We also recognise that all families are unique and some children might find it more difficult to separate from their main carer. We are therefore flexible in approach and will work with individual families to come to the right arrangement for them.

It is worth sharing how you feel about drop off with your child's key person at the all about me meeting. Please speak to the manager in person or over the phone if you'd like to discuss your child’s ‘settling in’ time with us in more detail. We may also suggest a home visit depending the needs of the child, and off the back of the all about me form and meeting.

Please see our settling-in policy for more details.

Important: You will be invoiced for a normal session price (taking in to account your funded hours) and no discount is offered. We will invoice you for After Kindie from the third weeks unless you are fully funded.

Term Dates

We are open for 38 weeks of the year. For this reason, we start back the week after most schools. For the remainder of the year, we follow the Bristol term dates (and not the South Glos term dates) up until the summer break when we break up earlier than most schools.

Spring/Summer 2025

  • Term 5: Tuesday 22 April 2025 to Thursday 23 May 2025 (5 week term)

  • Term 6: Monday 2 June 2025 to Thursday 10 July 2025 (6 week term)


    . Term 1: Monday 1 September to Thursday 23 October 2025 

  • Term 2: Monday 3 November 2025 to Thursday 18th December 2025 

  • Term 3: Monday 5 January 2026 to Thursday 12 February 2026 

  • Term 4: Monday 23 February 2026 to Thursday 2 April 2 2026 

  • Term 5: Monday 13 April 2026 to Thursday 23 May 2026 

  • Term 6: Monday 1 June 2026 to Thursday 11th July 2026 

  • We are open for 38 weeks a year (this differs to schools who are open for 40 weeks a year)
    Please note we are closed on bank holidays and (unlike many other nurseries) you will not be charged for your child’s place.


Contacting us in regards to sickness or in an emergency

You must inform us of your child’s absence, either sickness or holiday, and mark this via Famly on your child’s profile.

You must ensure there are two emergency contacts on your child’s profile.

For more information please see our Attendance Policy

If you need to contact us in an emergency, please call the numbers below in order.

Details to be added in March 2025

Please note that the reception isn’t great at the scout hut and nor in the woods. If we don’t pick up please keep trying.

Staff Training

All staff are trained in Child Projection or Advanced Child Protection. The majority of the team are first aid qualified (12 hours or Outdoor). For further staff details, qualifications and training, please visit our staff page:

If a key person is on training or off sick, the manager will often be with the key group or a suitable person in to cover and take on their key person role. On occasions, we will also have students and volunteers working alongside us. All of our staff and volunteers have relevant experience and qualifications and are DBS checked.

Contact details

The settings full address is:

Lincombe Barn, Overndale Rd, Bristol BS16 2RW

The Manager can be best contacted through Famly messaging.

For general enquiries, funding and invoicing please send your email to:

If you wish to speak to Jenny Brough (Nominated Person), please phone 07948 674811 or email


We expect children to come prepared to go straight out for the day. This includes arriving in their waterproof suit and wellies. The only time when we would not expect children to arrive in waterproofs is in high summer when the weather can be just too hot.

Below is a guideline for what to wear throughout the seasons but please check the forecast the day before to ensure your child is dressed appropriately.


Children will also need to have a complete change of spare clothes, including footwear, socks and underwear. We will take our supply of extra clothes to the woods for emergencies, and children’s spare clothes will be left at the base to change into on their return (if necessary).

Please note that we strongly advise that children wear long trousers, a long-sleeved top and closed-toe shoes whatever the weather.

Please send children in old, well-worn clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty and in wellies or waterproof boots, with a pair of trainers or walking boots/shoes in their bag to change into if their outdoor ones get wet. We request that children bring their spare clothes, water bottle, and packed lunch in a child-sized, (ideally) waterproof backpack, ready to go straight out for the day.

The children will be wearing these, so keep this in mind when purchasing bags. Backpacks with straps across the chest are ideal for preventing the bag from falling off their shoulders.

Please avoid sending your child in T SHIRTS, shorts, skirts or sandals.

(this is due to the risk of tick bites)


Recommendations (Not affiliated links)



Warm Wellies



(or Lidl/Aldi Alternative)



Dry Bag


Packed Lunch


Children are required to bring a healthy packed lunch in their day sack. We have a healthy eating policy which details our expectations for a healthy packed lunch.

Please see the table in the policy document in regards to portions of the major food group.




We request that children bring their spare clothes, water bottle, and packed lunch in a child-sized, (ideally) waterproof backpack, ready to go straight out for the day.

The children will be wearing these, so keep this in mind when purchasing bags. Backpacks with straps across the chest are ideal for preventing the bag from falling off children’s shoulders.


We have our own unique curriculum based around our rhythms and routines of the day, the seasons, our locality, nature connection, food exploration, cultural festivals, local trips and, most importantly, the children’s needs and emerging interests.

Our curriculum is rooted in the natural world and the natural unfolding of children’s curiosity and fascination in the world.

We are inspired by various approaches to early years education. To find out more about our approach to early years education and the benefits of outdoor learning and development please follow the links: and-ethos

We have also found this useful guide about outdoor play and exploration which clearly sets out many of the things we aspire to at Out There Kindergarten. Interestingly, the guide has been produced by the Froebel Trust, who are strong supporters of Friedrich Froebel, who invented the term Kindergarten which translates as 'children of the garden'.

As an Oftsed registered provision, we must also meet the legal requirements of the Early Years Statutory Framework and, in relation to learning and development in the early years, the 7 areas of learning as defined by the Department of Education. These are;

  • personal, social and emotional development.

  • communication and language.

  • physical development.

  • literacy.

  • mathematics.

  • understanding the world.

  • expressive arts and design

Through ongoing formative assessment, we observe, assess and plan for each child’s individual learning and development in these key areas. There is a strong focus on the 3 prime areas and we have a very holistic approach to how children learn and develop in these areas.

As a guide, we use the Birth to 5 matters document which is rooted in the 3 principles of the early years foundation stage; a unique child, positive relationships and an enabling environment provides the necessary ingredients for learning and development. There are some children who might need additional input , on top of these key ingredients, and this might come in the form of early interventions such as making a referral to a speech and lanaguge therapist or assessing a child for additional needs and then putting support in place for the child in order for them to access our curriculum.

The birth to 5 matters document is written by professionals in the early years sector for people working in the early years sector. Further information for parents can be found here

For more information about learning and development in the early years, you might also want to look at the following documents. They offer a broad range of educational perspectives. We have also included developement matters, which is non statutory government guidance.

A Froebelian Approach to Outdoor Play and Exploration

Development Matters


Forest School

Forest School is an innovative educational approach to outdoor play and learning originally developed in Denmark for pre-school children. Children attending Forest Schools were arriving at school with strong social skills, the ability to work in groups effectively, and generally, children had high self-esteem and confidence in their own capabilities. All these attributes proved to be an effective foundation that raised academic achievements. This ethos was introduced to the UK during the 1990s and has been taken on as an effective educational tool in a variety of settings.  

Forest school is outdoor, nature-based learning that focuses on the holistic development of the child. In forest school, activities are provided, but rather than being adult-led, each child chooses and tailors the activity to suit them, while we observe their preferences and development. We flow with the energy of the day and follow what children want to do. Forest school is child-centered with a high adult-to-child ratio. Observation, rather than direction, is key, and children learn to care for the natural environment through their activities.

Forest school helps children develop many skills that are hard to teach in the classroom. It’s very physical so it encourages children to be active, with lots of activities to develop both fine and gross motor skills. Children learn to assess, appreciate and take risks, making sensible, informed decisions about how to tackle the activities and experiences they encounter. They learn to be self-sufficient and take care of themselves, which boosts their confidence and self-esteem. Through trial and error, they learn to deal with failure and develop the resilience to keep trying: a vital skill in the classroom as well as outside.

Forest school ties in with many areas of the National Curriculum. For example, being outdoors year-round helps children learn about weather and the seasons, which are part of the program of study in geography, studying mini-beasts and plant life relates to the science curriculum, and working on tasks like den building and woodwork links with design and technology. Children also benefit from the simple act of being outdoors. Research has shown that it improves mental health, communication skills and social relationships, among other things.


There is no such thing as a typical day, as every setting and every day is unique and special. We are also governed by the seasons, and the weather, meaning our winter and summer routines are different as a lovely, dry, sunny day is different to a very windy day.

However, we do have certain routines and structure which will benefit your child and prepare them for the next stage of their young life’s journey. Rather than narrowly focusing in on being 'school ready', we like to widely focus out and consider how the rhythms and routines of the day, mixed with our educational philosophy, help young children prepare for being ‘life ready’.

The day is packed full of nature-based play and practical, hands-on learning and exploring. At lunchtime, children enjoy a packed lunch (provided by you) around the fire circle and reflect on their morning experiences. We finish our day off with some quiet time back at the scout hut, where children can relax and unwind with stories, music, yoga and mindfulness.

The timetable below is an example day although each setting varies slightly in their exact routines and timings.


Before starting with us, your child will be allocated a key person. You will be notified before your child starts with us as to who your child’s key person is. A key person is someone that takes on the role of a main carer in the absence of the parent. They help the child to settle in to the new environment by forming a close attachment and get to know the child’s individual needs so they know how to support them best. They provide comfort and support if the child is distressed and upset.

Aside from helping to meet your child’s emotional needs, the key person is someone who meets your child’s physical needs too. They will usually help them with such things as getting changed and toileting. Because of the close relationship they build, a key person is also a main point of contact for you, as they give feedback on your child’s day and talk about their learning.





 These take place before your child starts with us, and we ask that your child attends with you. This is very important to us and will help us assess whether your child would benefit from a home visit. We will ensure there are some toys out, and they may get the chance to go out in the garden with one of the team. For children starting in April 2025 this is planned for Friday 28th March 2025. We will inform you of the date for September 2025 starters nearer the time.

Before the meeting, you will be asked to complete an all-about-me form. This form is passed on to your child's key person. The more information you can include, the better. This helps us to get to know your child, you and your family better.

As part of our settling-in policy, we ask new starter parents to bring a settling-in pack to the All About Me Meeting. This pack might contain a family photo or photos, a special you and a favourite storybook. Please have it in a clear bag with your child's name.

COMMUNICATION in an emergency

To contact us in an emergency, please use the phone numbers provided here

To be added in March 2025


For non-urgent communication, the managers and key people prefer to use Famly newsfeed and messaging.

‘The office’ team communicate by email but occasionally puts posts out on Famly newsfeed if it concerns everyone.


Before starting with us, you will have already been sent a ‘sign up’ request from Famly (requested by Out There Kindergarten). It's important that you have filled out the important 'about' section, added emergency contacts and checked permissions. You will be notified and required to read and check if there is any new permission.

We use Famly to share photos, activities, observations and assessments of your child’s learning and development. By registering with Famly, this information will be readily available to you. At the end of your child’s time with us, we will have woven their learning and development journey. It's a really great record of their time with us, and you can look back at all the lovely photos with your child to talk about their time with us.

To find out more about Famly, please ask a team member, or you can go to their website, which has a section for parent users of Famly.

The parent who first registered with us will have control of the Famly account. You can add a partner and other family members to allow them access to your child’s profile. The article below helps with this.

If you are not receiving Famly communication, please email


We share lots of important information on Famly.

  • weekly updates on what the children have been up to

  • information about family events

  • information from the children’s centre and about school places

Please ensure you keep FAMLY notifications on so you don’t miss anything.


We share ideas for home learning via Famly news posts, focus activity posts from your child’s key person and through your child’s observations. If you would like to discuss ideas for home learning, please speak with your child’s key person. 

Family Afternoons 

Family afternoons occur towards the end of the day, usually at the end of a term on a Thursday. They are an opportunity to come and socialise with other families and spend time with your child in the garden. We often share food, music and stories and celebrate the children’s achievements with you. You will be invited via Famly.

Parental Involvement 

We love getting parents involved in what we do. We'd love to invite you in if you have something fun and interesting to share with the children. In the past, we’ve had a beekeeper show off his bees and honey, an acrobat who performed the circus and a break dancer who taught breakdancing to young children. 


We also operate an open-door policy with parents, which means you can talk to a staff member without making an appointment. The time to do this is at the end of the day when collecting your child. Please arrive close to 15:00 if you wish to speak with the child’s key person.

Safeguarding and Child Protection at Out There Kindergarten

Please make sure you familiarise yourself with the settings Child Protection Policy.

We consider this to be our most important policy.

Our reporting and recording policy supports our child protection policy. You can read this here. At Kindergarten we keep a record of accidents, pre existing injuries, incidents and safeguarding concerns. There may be times when you receive one of these forms from us. This will be either sent through FAMLY or electronically via email. Depending on the nature of the incident or concern, you will receive a phone call from your child’s key person, a the senior member of the team or our Designated Safeguarding Lead to discuss this with you in person before any forms are sent out. If you would like to see an example form, you can access the links to the forms in the policy.

We want to develop a safeguarding community in which we all contribute to keeping children safe. We aim to promote an ‘open culture’ whereby parents and carers feel confident in stating any concerns, either formally or informally about children who attend our setting and even those who don’t. We have a responsibility to safeguarding all children.

The designated safeguarding person is - to be added in March 2025 Please keep an eye out for any information they might share with you in regards to Safeguarding issues such as online safety.

Please also make sure you are familiar with the sickness reporting procedure, which you can find on our website's Policies and Procedure page.

We have a range of other policies in line with the Early Years Statutory Framework. These support our everyday practice and ensure we are all working to safeguard the children in our care. To read our policies and procedures online, please follow or type in your browser this link:

If you have any questions about our policies and procedures, please speak to the Kindergarten manager.


Permissions, Information sharing and Terms and Conditions

Please make sure you have ticked all of the ‘permissions’ on Famly, either yes or no. We must have your consent for such things as; going off-site to local woods/parks, taking part in forest school activities and administrating first aid. Where we do not have your consent, we will ensure this information is shared within the team and act accordingly.

This also applies to information sharing. There may be times when we need to share information with other professional agencies. For example, transferring your child’s records to school or leasing with the child’s other childcare setting.

We would love your permission to take photos and videos which we can share on social media and other platforms. This really helps us to showcase your amazing children at play in the woods, our fantastic work and with promoting oursleves to potential families and employees. There is a permission for this to check or not check.

We are adding in a new permission this year which relates to the blurring out of children’s faces on photos so that if you do not want to show your childs face but are okay for them to be blurred out, this can be arranged.

Our Terms and Conditions for Funded and Non Funded Hours are also in the permissions section on Famly with a link to the relevant policy. This is an important policy as it lays out our fees, including the sustainability fee for those using the funded hours and our cancellation policy when it comes to cancelling your place.


Our top priority is ensuring the children are safe at all times, whether that is onsite, in the public woods or crossing a road. We have very thorough risk assessments and policies that ensure children’s safety.

From September 2025, we will have 24 children on the register each day. However, due to sickness and absence the numbers are often lower than this and range between 20 and 24. We plan to have 5 core team members (1 manager, 3 key people and 1 early years support person). We also have additional adults such as our early years support workers, volunteers, students and 1:1 support meaning that there is an even higher adults to child ratio.

Children must always be within sight of the adult, and vice versa, meaning they are supervised at all times. The key person and their key children also wear the same colour high viz whilst out, to support head counts, which happen frequently.

The walk to and from the woods is along a footpath, away from main roads. When walking on or near roads, we use a ‘walking bus’ system, with children in pairs, holding hands and adults strategically placed in the line. We have a ‘safety’ discussion at the start of each walk.

Although we use are public land, we see very few members of the public there during the day, apart from the odd dog walker, as it is off the main path. However, we use orange cones to mark our boundaries and children know they are not to go outside the cones. This is all covered in our ‘Forest Code’ which we go through at the start of every ‘Forest School’ session around the fire circle.




Children will be encouraged to use the toilets before we head out. When we are at one of our outdoor sites, we set up a toilet area (with a travel potty and windbreak). This is optional but offers more privacy and can be a comfort to children who are not used to ‘wild weeing’. All Children must ask an adult before they go to the toilet to ensure their privacy. We will support children with toileting as much as they need and work towards independence.

Although we would ideally like children be out of nappies, we cannot expect children to be fully toilet trained. We must also be prepared for toilet regression, as going to the toilet in our outdoor setting will be a new and potentially challenging experience for some children. We will equip ourselves for this, as we would do with any aged child when leading Forest School sessions. We have plenty of experience dealing with toileting in our outdoor setting and going prepared with a ‘toilet bag’, which includes spare underwear.

Nappy changing

We often get asked whether children can attend in nappies. The answer is yes, children can attend in nappies and we have nappy changing resources in the setting. We ask parents to provide their own nappies and wipes and we record nappy changes using the Famly app so you know when ans by whom your child has been changed.. Please speak to your child’s key person at your child’s ‘all about me’ meeting if you think your child will start attending in nappies.


We often get asked about whether children can continue to nap once they start Kindergarten. As we are a child led setting, if a child requests to nap or is showing signs of falling asleep, we can support naps for individual children. However, we usually find that once the child starts with us they drop their afternoon nap due to being too engrossed in the day and their play. Naps can be, and have been, supported in the garden, indoors and even whilst out in the woods. The child’s key person will ensure the child is comfortable and kept safe and warm.

Please speak to your child’s key person at the all about me meeting if you would like to discuss this further.

We have a toileting and intimate care policy which supports the above.


We provide longer hours Monday to Thursday in the form of an after kindie club. We provide a light afternoon tea and engage the children in indoor or outdoor play. The session runs from 15:30 –17:30 at the cost of £16.00 per session and must be pre-booked as part of your ongoing weekly Booking Plan.

You can allocate government-funded hours towards the cost of After Kindie via the EYR1 Form. If you wish to book on to the after kindie club mid way through the year, please email

Please note spaces are limited to 18 children a day and if there are no spaces available at the time of writing, you will be added to a waiting list.

Please note the following:

  • We are a pack up/pack down ‘preschool’ and have to leave the place clean and ready for the other group users which usually start from 18:00. In order for us to do this, we have certain strategies which allow us to be ready on time.

  • One of these is to pack the resources away from 17:00 onwards. During this time, we sometimes rely on the use of screen time ( a suitable, age appropriate t.v programme, usually from cbeebies). The children are often very tired at this point and this helps keep them calm and relaxed. Please speak to your child’s key person at the all about me meeting if you would like to discuss this further.

  • On Thursdays, we operate our weekly team meeting. This will take place in the kitchen or in the main room behind room dividers.

  • Please collect promptly. Ideally, parents will collect no later than 17.20 allowing time to collect belongings and speak to the adults if needed.



We welcome children from 2.5 years old and have specialist '2 year old leaders' who work more closely with, and support the needs of, the 2/3 year olds as well as advising other members of the team and how we can best support two year old children. We look at the routines of the day, our resources and our curriculum to see how these can be adapted to meet their needs. 

Here are some of our favourite two year old quotes. 

“These wonderful animated and gregarious little humans, usually with very little verbal language,
manage to show us big humans exactly what is happening in their brains, with barely 24 months
experience of the big wide world…” Debbie Garvey, 2018

‘Encouraging unhurried everyday routines with time for wonder and care.’ Green, D and Clark, A
Froebel Trust (2024)

In regards to our routines and resources, we would expect younger children to sometimes (not always) take a little longer to settle in and get used to our forest code. During the first few months of starting (in September) and at times throughout the year,  we may split the group into two groups, younger and older. This allows younger children (2-3) to do shorter walks, at their own place and for activities to be. It also allows older children (3-4) to engage in more challenging 'forest school' outings and activities.  

In regards to naps, we will make provision for naps if requested by yourself or your child or if a child falls asleep in our care due to tiredness. We will have a dedicated calm quiet area and a staff member checking on children regularly. In the past we have done this using pop up tents, making cosy areas, using cushions and blankets. We will record nap times using Famly. Please speak to your child's key person about nap times if it's something you would like us to support. 

In regards to children attending in nappies, this is something we facilitate and we have an accompanying policy in relation to this. 

Please see our Toileting, Intimate Care and Naps section


Funded Places - applies to 2 yr olds from working families and 3/4 year old

You can use your government-funded hours to pay for all or part of your childcare with us. A place at Out There Kindergarten costs £60 a day (8:00-15:30) and we claim for 7.5 hours a day unless you are booked on for after kindie club, in which case we claim for 9.5 hours.

2 year olds from working families can claim up to 15 hours a week for 38 weeks of the year (please note that if attending another ‘all year round setting’ you can only claim up to 12 hours a week for 47.5 weeks of the year)

3/4 year olds - can claim up to 15 universal hours and up to 15 extended hours if eligible (please note that if attending another ‘all year round setting’ you can only claim up to 12 hours a week for 47.5 weeks of the year)

If you are eligible, we can offer the full 30 hours across four days to 3/4 year olds, and you can use your hours at any time, including for after kindie. You can also split your hours across two or even three other provisions.
If using the universal hours only, you can apply the 15 hours to 2 days a week by attending from 8.00-15.30.

If splitting your hours across two or more provisions, you may need to pay a top-up fee as your funded hours will be adjusted according to whether your other setting is all year round. We will calculate this for you based on the number of funded hours you allocate to us.

Before starting, you must complete and sign an EYR1 form. We will send this to you before you start.

We will advise you of the deadlines in which to complete your EYR1 form.

The council might not accept any form submitted after those deadlines, and you may lose your funded hours for the whole term.

  1. You must renew your code every three months. It would be best to watch for email reminders from the gov. website.

For more information about the government-funded hours, please refer to

Free early education for two year olds

If you're the parent or carer of a two year old and you receive certain benefits you could be eligible to apply for a free early education place. You apply for this via the Bristol City Council website. Please note that if you are eligible for a ‘FREE’ place you will not be charged the sustainability fee (see below).

You can find out if your eligible by following this link

The quickest way to apply is online. You'll need a parent or carer's National Insurance number.

Apply for your place online

Please refer to our policy for more information on our funded and non-funded hours.


Sustainability contribution

We request that parents/carers contribute towards the delivery of our provision at the cost of £12.00 per day (taking effect from April 2025)

The following is taken from our local provider agreement with the council: Government funding is intended to cover the cost to deliver 15 or 30 hours a week of free, high quality, flexible childcare. It is not intended to cover the cost of meals, consumables, additional hours or additional services. 

It is, therefore, necessary that we apply a charge for morning snack, consumables and additional services.

The £12.00 fee goes towards the following and more:

Regular, if not daily, Forest School opportunities

Higher adult: child ratios to allow for these activities and frequent, off site local trips

Qualified Forest School leaders and Early Years Teachers working directly with the children

A range of enrichment activities

Specialist Forest School resources

Organic morning snack

We call it a SUSTAINABILITY fee as without this additional income, our provision wouldn’t be able to operate according to our vision and values.

This SUSTAINABILITY fee is only applied to those using government-funded hours. It does not apply to those paying the daily fee of £60. You will be invoiced monthly through FAMLY for this additional contribution. To put this into real terms, if your child attends two days a week, we will request an additional £24 per week invoiced monthly.

We offer a number of 'free' places to ‘disadvantaged’ 2-year-old children and to children who are eligible for the Early Year Pupil Premium. If your child receives EYPP, you will not be charged the SUSTAINABILITY fee.


Paid for Places and Invoicing

We will invoice you on a monthly basis at the beginning of each month. You must pay your Invoices within ten days of receipt.

For any places which are paid for or part paid for, you are required to pay an administration fee of £25.00 either at the start of the year or if you start to pay towards your child's place at any point within the year. This will be added to your invoice.

Please use the Famly app to pay for your fees., except in the instance you wish to pay by childcare vouchers or the tax free childcare scheme.

We accept a variety of childcare vouchers. Our bank details are on the invoice but it’s really important you let us know when you have made payment and for how much. You can do this by emailing

We are registered with the following providers: 

Computershare: 0024135102

Eden Red: P21060292

Care 4: 22954380 

Sodexo: 845040



For Brislington the Ofsted registration number EY546746 and postcode BS4 4DY.

For Stapleton the Ofsted registration number is EY560249 and the postcode is BS16 1UQ

For Downend the Ofsted registration number is coming soon and the postcode is BS16 2RW.

If you need any help with payment and the Famly App, visit the Famly Support Page: or please get in touch with



We require a £100 deposit to hold your place. Once you have a profile on FAMLY, we will send you an invoice for the deposit. Please make payment ASAP as this is how we guarantee your place. Whilst we are able to accept childcare vouchers and tax-free childcare account payments for monthly kindergarten fees, deposit payments must be made through FAMLY.

The deposit is refundable if your child starts attending the Kindergarten and will be returned upon your child leaving, provided your fees have been paid in full. Your deposit will not be returned if you withdraw your place before your child starts attending with us. 


 We will have a unique EY number linked to Downend. The number is COMING SOON. You can find our

The registered company is Out There Forest School and Kindergarten LTD. The nominated person is Jenny Brough. You can contact her on 07948 674811 or email

If you have any concerns about our provision, please speak to the above-named person in the first instance.

If you wish to make a complaint, please refer to our complaint policy.
