Welcome to the parents page.

On this page you’ll finD:

Information related to your child starting at the Kindergarten (in the parent handbook)

Information about the Early Years Foundation Stage (what to expect when)

Evidence of our reflective practise and evaluation of our setting (in the Bristol Standards document)


 Click the appropriate SITE to browse our parent’s handbook



Birth to Five Matters


Bristol SEND Local Offer


The Bristol Standard Quality Improvement Framework

“Improving on our previous best”

The Bristol Standard is a self-evaluation framework that is used by early years practitioners and play workers to enable them to take part in reflective discussions around ten dimensions of quality to identify their current strengths and targets for improvement. This is an annual cycle which settings complete and then submit for validation. Children are at the heart of the Bristol Standard and all targets detail the benefits for children of the actions being taken.

The Bristol Standard is recognised nationally and internationally as an outstanding framework to support a journey of continuous improvement. The benefits and impact of the Bristol Standard have been well-evidenced. It can be used effectively as a framework for action planning and is very useful as evidence for Ofsted and other stakeholders. The Bristol Standard brings teams together with a shared vision and supports ongoing staff professional development. Take a look at 2023 Submission which was reviewed and certified as having ‘passed’ the standards. It’s a piece of work we are very proud and a big thank you to Ella Ives, Co-founder and Brislington Manager, who submitted the Bristol Standard 2023.


Childcare Choice Website